Grow your business with high quality tenders
i-exchange have a proven approach and strong track record developing winning tenders for our clients.
Our Track Record
100% Win Rate on National Tenders
- Disability Employment Services
- Career Transition Assistance – Pilot Region and National Rollout
- ParentsNext – Pilot Region and National Rollout
- NEIS & NEIS Business Reallocation
- Transition to Work and PaTH Program Tenders
Successful State Based and Commercial Tenders
- Jobs Victoria Employment Network
- Skills VIC
- Smart and Skilled
- Skilling Queenslanders for Work
- Public Private Partnerships: Employment, Skills and Social Procurement components
How We Can Help
Let our team manage your tender process, or build your internal capacity to prepare and submit winning bids.
Tender Preparation
Tendering can be time consuming and resource intensive. i-exchange can manage your entire tender process from initial review to final submission. We will work closely with your senior management team and frontline staff to develop an evidence informed and commercially viable service model before preparing your final bid.
Tender Training
If you’re looking to build internal capacity for tenders, i-exchange offers customised tender training. Our hands-on course covers tender strategy, process and content development, and includes guidance for frontline staff on contributing relevant insights for your bid. Equip your team with the skills to make your tenders stand out.
Do your tenders get noticed?
Contact us today to discuss your next tendering project.